Measures the Coal resistance in milling and crushing
The Hardgrove Grindability Index Machine allows many different types of coal users to determine
how coal will perform in milling machines, allowing engineers to estimate grinding power and
throughput capacities.
(HGI) is determined through hardness of the coal sample been tested by putting the tested sample
under pressure at a specific speed and revolutions.
The 50 gram sample is grind in a specially designed grinding bowl using 8 x steel balls.
The steel balls grind the coal sample accordingly.
The coal fines after grinding are sorted and the quantity of coal less than a specific size
is recorded and converted into a Hardgrove Grindability Index value.
The Hardgrove Index Machine is a table top unit on stand with a complete grinding bowl, weight,
locking mechanism, geared motor drive, resolution’s indicator and control panel.
Power :- 220 Volt 50Hz